Ten Boys Who Made a Difference (a Light Keepers book)
Would you like to make a difference? These ten boys grew up to do just that – but first they had to change the church. How did God change them? Short childhood biographies of these men.
***Following each chapter there are personal facts, spiritual reflection questions, a prayer and a couple of comprehension questions.
Augustine discovered the love of God and changed the way we think; Knox focused on God’s word and told his country the truth; Luther rediscovered God’s truth and gave it to ordinary people; Calvin realised that salvation was a gift from God and not a reward for what he did; Tyndale longed to print the Bible in a language that everyone would understand; Latimer urged people to read the Bible for themselves and made enemies as a result; Hus taught that God is in charge of the church and the world; Zwingli challenged people to obey God’s word in every area of their lives; Chalmers called the church to show Christ’s compassion to the poor and Shaftesbury pushed the church into making Christ’s love a living reality for everyone$3.50$6.00 -
The Pirate’s Son
in 1717, Nathan and his sister have no place to live when their father dies penniless. Tamo White, an infamous pirate’s son, offers them a thrilling ride to the island of Madagascar. They must learn to navigate their way through slave raids, lost ships, strange native traditions, deception and terror when their new home is invaded by pirates.
$2.25$4.99The Pirate’s Son
$2.25$4.99 -
Call It Courage
Maftu was afraid of the sea. It had taken his mother when he was a baby, and it seemed to him that the sea gods sought vengeance at having been cheated of Mafatu. So, though he was the son of the Great Chief of Hikueru, a race of Polynesians who worshipped courage, and he was named Stout Heart, he feared and avoided tha sea, till everyone branded him a coward. When he could no longer bear their taunts and jibes, he determined to conquer that fear or be conquered– so he went off in his canoe, alone except for his little dog and pet albatross. A storm gave him his first challenge. Then days on a desert island found him resourceful beyond his own expectation. This is the story of how his courage grew and how he finally returned home. This is a legend. It happened many years ago, but even today the people of Hikueru sing this story and tell it over their evening fires.
$1.50$2.99Call It Courage
$1.50$2.99 -
Fantastic Voyage
Four men and one woman reduced to a microscopic fraction of their original size, boarding a miniaturized atomic sub and being injected into a dying man’s carotid artery. Passing through the heart, entering the inner ear where even the slightest sound would destroy them, battling relentlessly into the cranium. Their objective . . . to reach a blood clot and destroy it with the piercing rays of a laser. At stake . . . the fate of the entire world.
$0.95$2.00Fantastic Voyage
$0.95$2.00 -
Set amidst the real world events which occurred following the Jacobite rising of 1745, Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novel “Kidnapped” is the story of David Balfour, who travels to meet his uncle and collect his inheritance following the death of his father. Betrayed by his Uncle, David finds himself kidnapped by Captain Hoseason of the brig “Covenant”, who plans to sell him into slavery in the Carolina Colonies of America. However the ship is blown of course and driven back towards Scotland where in the fog it strikes a small vessel and brings aboard the Scottish soldier and Jacobite Alan Breck Stewart. With the help of Alan, David is able to escape his captors and soon finds himself in the middle of the struggle between the Scottish Highlanders and soldiers of the English government. Stranded in the Scottish wilderness David must fight for his life and return home to collect his rightful inheritance. Through the characters of Alan and David the conflict over Scottish independence from English rule is adventurously depicted.
$1.25$2.50 -
ACE’s 4th Grade Science Workbooks #404-410 (7 book set)
ACE’s science workbook topics are machines, electricity and magnetism, changes in water and matter, weather, solar system, planet earth, understanding God’s creation.
Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional “PACE” workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice “self-test,” and conclude with a “final test” (removed from the center) to measure understanding.
***does not include answer key
***workbooks show shelf wear, one book has name on cover, like new otherwise$10.50$25.00 -
ACE’s 6th Grade Science Workbooks #606-610 (5 book set)
This set of 5 Workbooks are from ACE’s PACE workbooks for 6th grade science. One book each on weather, climate, human anatomy part 1 and 2, scientists and what they do.
Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional “PACE” workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice “self-test,” and conclude with a “final test” (removed from the center) to measure understanding.
***Does not include answer key
***has some shelf wear but NO markings$7.50$20.00 -
Pollyanna (abridged)
Abridged version for young readers. Pollyanna Whittier, an eleven-year old orphan who has adopted a remarkable philosophy of life that she calls “The Glad Game” — that is, finding something to be glad about in every situation, no matter how bleak it may be
$4.50$9.99Pollyanna (abridged)
$4.50$9.99 -
Bridging English by Joseph Milner and Lucy Milner
Bridging English by Milner and Milner, Third Ed., 514 pages
Pearson Education, Inc., 2003
Paperback book has some highlighting, neatly done, and a small amount of other writing.
Back corner has a fold. (See photos.)
Sample pages of the table of contents and appendix sections of the book are available in the photos.
This book was used at the college level at BJU, but could make a good high school resource, too.$2.50$85.00 -
My Pals are Here! Singapore Science Level 3 (complete 7 book set)
A full, one year (2 semester) science workbook course where a thematic approach is taken. Concepts from different areas of science, including life, physical, chemistry and physical science are all linked together under a “theme”. Part 1) TEXTS are designed to be highly engaging with photos, drawings, and diagrams as well as interesting facts, discussion questions and list of objectives. Part 2) The corresponding WORKBOOK contains activities directly related to the text pages and tests student’s knowledge of information through a wide variety of activities such as classification, matching, labeling, crossword puzzles and many more. Part 3) The ACTIVITY BOOK takes the concept a bit further with more hands-on activities that challenge the student to use their critical thinking skills with the use of graphic organizers as worksheets and observation. Part 4) TEST BOOK contain chapter summaries for review, tests, and answer key. Test questions vary in format and include multiple-choice, short-answer, true/false, and matching. Level 3 “themes” include Diversity in Living Creatures, Cycles, Systems and Interactions.
***Books show shelf wear, 3 books have name written on front but contains NO markings inside of books
***First Edition$30.00$70.00 -
ABeka Grammar&Composition I Teacher Key
Includes teacher instruction and answer key for 19 units of grammar and composition lessons.
$10.00$20.00ABeka Grammar&Composition I Teacher Key
$10.00$20.00 -
A Reason for Spelling E – teacher guidebook
Teacher guidebook to use with student spelling workbook. Includes a year of spelling curriculum.
$8.00$20.00A Reason for Spelling E – teacher guidebook
$8.00$20.00 -
Teaching Textbooks Math 6 CD-Rom set
Teaching Textbooks Math 6 CD-Roms includes all math lessons for 6th grade to be used on the computer.
$40.00$130.00Teaching Textbooks Math 6 CD-Rom set
$40.00$130.00 -
Latina Christiana II Flashcards-Brand New!
Brand new flashcards to accompany Latina Christiana II. Still in plastic wrap.
$5.00$16.00Latina Christiana II Flashcards-Brand New!
$5.00$16.00 -
Latina Christiana II Teacher Manual
Latina Christiana II, 3rd Edition by Cheryl Lowe
$5.00$20.00Latina Christiana II Teacher Manual
$5.00$20.00 -
Latina Christiana I Teacher Manual
Latina Christiana I, 3rd Edition, by Cheryl Lowe.
$5.00$20.00Latina Christiana I Teacher Manual
$5.00$20.00 -
Prima Latina Teacher Manual & CD
Prima Latina Teacher Manual, 2nd Edition. CD contains pronunciation guide, songs, and prayers.
$9.00$16.50Prima Latina Teacher Manual & CD
$9.00$16.50 -
Our Life in the Church Activity Book-Brand New!
Unused activity book for the Faith and Life Series, 8th grade, Our Life in the Church
$4.00$7.95 -
The Life of Grace Activity Book-Brand New!
Unused activity book for the Faith and Life Series, 7th Grade, The Life of Grace
$4.00$7.95The Life of Grace Activity Book-Brand New!
$4.00$7.95 -
Solutions and Tests For Exploring Creation With Chemistry-Brand New!
Solutions and tests for Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 2nd edition.
$20.00$35.65 -
Easy Grammar Ultimate Series- Gr 9 Tests
Test and answer key booklet corresponding with Easy Grammar 180 Daily Lesson Gr 9 workbook.
$4.00$8.00Easy Grammar Ultimate Series- Gr 9 Tests
$4.00$8.00 -
Sonlight Grammar 6 Answer Guide- 2010
Grammar activity sheets answer guide that corresponds to Sonlight world history curriculum core 5 readers. Can be used without but is designed to follow Grammar 5. Includes an excellent grammar resource guide.
$5.00$15.00Sonlight Grammar 6 Answer Guide- 2010
$5.00$15.00 -
BJU Press Algebra I 3rd Edition – Student Text
Algebra 1 Student Text (3rd ed.) focuses on the integration of algebraic concepts in technology and real-life applications, presenting topics in a logical order with detailed examples that promote student comprehension and retention. Students explore the simplification, solving, graphing, and interpretation of linear, exponential, radical, quadratic, and rational functions both manually and with technology. Internet search keywords help students locate online tools and enrichment. Additional review exercises are carefully designed for student review, retention, and preparation for the next lesson.
$32.00$64.00BJU Press Algebra I 3rd Edition – Student Text
$32.00$64.00 -
Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book One
An art curriculum to introduce elementary students to the visual arts. Includes 32 easy to read and understand lessons with samples, art history information, and supply list.
$25.00$42.00Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book One
$25.00$42.00 -
The Thinking Toolbox
35 lessons to encourage and strengthen critical thinking, logic and, reasoning skills.
$10.00$25.00The Thinking Toolbox
$10.00$25.00 -
The Usborne Introduction to Art
A book with illustrations of famous paintings and stories of art history from ancient times to modern day.
$4.00$18.00The Usborne Introduction to Art
$4.00$18.00 -
A Beka Language 2 Seatwork Text Teacher Key
Product Description:
Language 2 is used to practice concepts taught in phonics class. Concepts learned in first grade are reinforced as students go on to master the following areas: recognizing and correctly punctuating three kinds of sentences; giving compound words, rhyming words, antonyms, synonyms, contractions, and singular possessive words in response to a written prompt; forming plurals; and using troublesome words correctly. By the end of the year, students’ reading comprehension skills will be sharpened; and they will write more clearly, correctly, and concisely.$7.50$30.00A Beka Language 2 Seatwork Text Teacher Key
$7.50$30.00 -
Workbook for Busy Times (Pathway Publishers)
This workbook has been prepared especially for second graders in Amish parochial schools, to accompany the first volume of the second grade reader, Busy Times. Not only was the book prepared with the children in mind, their teacher was also considered. The exercises are designed to train the children to work independently, with a minimum of teacher assistance.
$2.00$2.50Workbook for Busy Times (Pathway Publishers)