Daily Reading comprehension Grade 7
Grade 7
207 pages
Daily Reading comprehension$10.50 -
Daily Reading comprehension Grade 8
Grade 8
207 pages
Reading Comprehension$9.50 -
Nonfiction Reading comprehension (Science)
Grade 6
144 pages$3.00 -
Nonfiction Reading comprehension (Social Studies)
144 pages
Social studies
Grade 6
Ideal for test practice$3.00 -
Mankind Marvelously Made
Grade levels 7th and 8th
Teaches about the human body, food study, safety and first aid, and mental health$5.50Mankind Marvelously Made
$5.50 -
The American heritage student dictionary
Student dictionary
Grades 6-10
Ages 11-16$17.99 -
Holt Science and Technology: Earth Science
Student edition
7th grade
Earth science$10.00 -
People of the Breaking Day
The companion to “The Pilgrims of Plymouth, this book shares the lives of the Wampanoags, known as “The People of the Breaking Day.” With beautiful illustrations and engaging language, this is a well loved book by all students.
$3.00$8.99People of the Breaking Day
$3.00$8.99 -
The Wright Brothers for Kids
Filled with activities and stories of the invention of the airplane.
$6.00$19.99The Wright Brothers for Kids
$6.00$19.99 -
George Washington Carver
With photographs and illustrations, the story of George Washington Carver is portrayed in a way to keep young readers engaged with his discoveries and unique imagination of bringing things to life.
$3.00$9.95George Washington Carver
$3.00$9.95 -
Seven Miles to Freedom: The Robert Smalls Story
Illustrated with oil paintings, this beautiful book and story tell about Robert Smalls and his important life journey.
$3.00$12.95Seven Miles to Freedom: The Robert Smalls Story
$3.00$12.95 -
George vs. George
Another beautifully illustrated book, by Rosalyn Schanzer, about The American Revolution and the two George’s involved. From the point of view of both George Washington and King George III, this book provides a fun sense of learning about this momentous event in history.
$3.00$6.95George vs. George
$3.00$6.95 -
The Picture History of Great Inventors
This fun illustrated book takes the reader on a journey of the lives of over fifty innovators, their discoveries and inventions, with timelines to follow. Never boring, a great book for those interested in invention!
$6.00$17.95The Picture History of Great Inventors
$6.00$17.95 -
Children of the Longhouse
The story of a young boy and the choices he must make when faced with adversity. Great read for ages 8-12.
$2.00$7.99Children of the Longhouse
$2.00$7.99 -
Pocahontas and the Strangers
A short story of Pocahontas and her love for the tribe she came from and the “white man” who saved her. Large print, perfect for a 2nd or 3rd grade level reader.
$2.00$7.99Pocahontas and the Strangers
$2.00$7.99 -
How we Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis & Clark
A National Geographic illustrated story of Lewis & Clark’s expedition. The story is full of letters written by each journeymen and vibrant illustrations depicting the different areas of our country they traversed and the discoveries made along the way.
$3.00$7.95 -
A Voice of Her Own: The Story of Phillis Wheatley, Slave Poet
A beautifully illustrated story of Phillis Wheatley and her rise from being an uneducated slave girl to becoming a well-loved and known poet of her time.
$2.00$6.99 -
Where do you think you’re going, Christopher Columbus?
A fun short story by Jean Fritz about Christopher Columbus and his journeys.
$3.00$7.99 -
Marie Curie’s Search for Radium
A true story of Marie Curie and her discoveries which changed the world in extraordinary ways.
$2.00$7.99Marie Curie’s Search for Radium
$2.00$7.99 -
Pasteur’s Fight Against Microbes
A true story of Pasteur’s life of saving millions of people through his discoveries.
$2.00$7.99Pasteur’s Fight Against Microbes
$2.00$7.99 -
The Landing of the Pilgrims
A well written Landmark Book, about young William Bradford and his journey to America. A beautiful account of the first pilgrims of our country. By James Daugherty.
$1.50$5.99The Landing of the Pilgrims
$1.50$5.99 -
Pedro’s Journal
The story of a ship’s boy on Christopher Columbus’ ship the Santa Maria, written by Pam Conrad.
$2.00$6.99Pedro’s Journal
$2.00$6.99 -
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? 3rd ed., by Richard J. Maybury (an Uncle Eric Book),c1993
While the financial crash and post-recession world has proven young people need to understand economics, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy actually makes it fun, fascinating, and entertaining! Written in Maybury’s trademark Uncle Eric “letter” format, students will learn about recession, money, inflation, boom & bust cycles, government spending, Gresham’s Law, and more. Common-sense arguments and down-to-earth explanations create a thorough look at money that’s understandable for all.
3rd ed.
125 pgs.
Softcover$7.50$13.95 -
Writing Strands – Level 7 : Challenging writing projects for homeschoolers, c.1988-2000
This group of exercises is designed for any students who have completed Writing Strands 6 or for seniors in high school if they are new to Writing Strands. These exercises will walk you through the complicated process of organizing and communicating your thoughts in advanced forms, using a process approach to writing and composition.
14 Writing assignments
113 pages$5.00$9.99 -
Project-Based Homeschooling: Mentoring Self-Directed Learners
By identifying your child’s strong interests and creating an environment that encourages independent research, author Lori Pickert shares how you can become your child’s mentor. With examples and ideas on a unique style of schooling, a parent or teacher may find several new ways of providing meaningful connections with their children/students.
$4.00$18.99 -
Learning all the Time
One of the well known authors on homeschool education, John Holt shares his wealth of knowledge on how to discover children’s needs and put the response to that need into action. With life as a guide for teaching children, this book helps parents understand how easy and simple it can be to teach children with resources all around them, each and every day.
$5.00$15.00Learning all the Time
$5.00$15.00 -
Famous Men of the Middle Ages
Used in conjunction with a classical style history program, this book provides students with a look into the lives of multiple men throughout history. An engaging and unique experience of a book for all who encounter it.
$3.00$9.00Famous Men of the Middle Ages