I Can Make It! I Can Read It! Fall
student made booklets that they can read
My boys really enjoyed making these little books to read to Daddy.$4.00$12.99I Can Make It! I Can Read It! Fall
$4.00$12.99 -
Cut and Create! ABC
Easy step-by-step projects for each letter of the alphabet, includes cutting patterns
Once my children created all the projects, I had them laminated and spiral bound to make a book.$4.00$9.99Cut and Create! ABC
$4.00$9.99 -
Crosswords and Wordsearches Grades 2-4
100 reproducible puzzles with answer key
$4.00$10.95Crosswords and Wordsearches Grades 2-4
$4.00$10.95 -
$13.47Spelling Workout E Teacher’s Edition
$5.00$13.47 -
Spelling Workout B Teacher’s Edition
Pencil writing of notes within because I used it along with the phonics workbook by the same company.
$5.00$12.97Spelling Workout B Teacher’s Edition
$5.00$12.97 -
The M&M’s Counting Book
Grab a package of m&m’s and have some fun with math!
$9.99$19.99The M&M’s Counting Book
$9.99$19.99 -
Logical and Critical thinking puzzles, new, never used
$7.50$12.95 -
Creative Activities for Gifted Readers Grades K-2
Word Puzzles, Analogies, Short-term research activities, Readers Theatre scripts, booklist
$8.45$16.95 -
Gifted Children at Home
A Practical Guide for Homeschooling Families
$12.45$24.95Gifted Children at Home
$12.45$24.95 -
In the Beginning
hardback with dust jacket, has handwritten dedication on the title page
$10.00$16.95In the Beginning
$10.00$16.95 -
Trivium Mastery: The Intersection of Three Roads
Book: How to give your child an authentic classical home education, by Diane B. Lockman
$9.00$21.95Trivium Mastery: The Intersection of Three Roads
$9.00$21.95 -
Unlocking the Mystery of Life DVD
“The scientific case for intelligent design” This DVD tells the story of contemporary scientists who are advancing a powerful but controversial idea—the theory of intelligent design.
$7.00$12.00Unlocking the Mystery of Life DVD
$7.00$12.00 -
A Beka Vocabulary Spelling Poetry IV
Includes book, teacher key, quizzes and quiz key
$35.00 -
Handwriting Without Tears 2nd Grade Teacher’s Guide
First Edition, copyright 2008
$7.50$15.00 -
365 things to make and do
“Whenever you feel like painting or printing, cutting or sticking or even just drawing, there’s something in this book for you to do every day of the year.”
$20.00$24.99365 things to make and do
$20.00$24.99 -
Practical Graphic Design
Excerpt from back of book:
In this book you will find an introduction to graphic design fundamentals. As a student, you will learn that creativity in the field of graphic design (the ability to continually come up with visually appealing layouts) is not a nebulous, magical thing that people have no control over. You CAN be a good graphic designer if you learn specific, tried and true techniques and principles much the same way that you learn multiplication tables and rules of grammar. This book will show you some of those techniques and principles. Of course, as with any skill, it helps if you have an interest in the subject also. […] Practical Graphic Design guides you through this self paced, self taught workbook at least to a point where you will know if you are interested in further pursuit as a possible career option. You will be given the tools required to continue in more depth to the specific areas of interest.$20.00Practical Graphic Design
$20.00 -
Abeka – Life Management Under God
Includes quizzes/tests, answer key, video manual and home materials.
$15.00 -
CoreFX Three Level
Includes activity guide and reference guide.
Excerpt from book:
CoreFX is a general-purpose creative expression software application suitable to a wide range of users.$10.00CoreFX Three Level
$10.00 -
Warriner’s English Composition and Grammar
Warriner’s English Composition and Grammar, Complete Course, Copyright 1998, Includes Annotated Teacher’s Edition and Student Book
Warriner’s English Grammar and Composition, Third Course, Copyright 1982$15.00 -
Story of the U.S.A., by Franklin Escher, Jr. Book 1-3
Book 1 – Explorers and Settlers
Book 2 – A Young Nation Solves Its Problems
Book 3 – America Becomes a Giant
All books copyright 2000$15.00 -
Balancing the Sword Vol. 1-2
Includes both books and both discs. Both books by Allen B. Wolfe.
Excerpted from the back of the book:
Balancing the Sword was designed to give you a comprehensive working knowledge of what the Bible actually says. Balancing the Sword is a package that includes two books, software and web support. The two volumes streamline and enhance the learning process by utilizing over 7,000 questions, almost 54,000 carefully chosen cross references, over 1,000 quotes from famous figures who spoke of the Bible’s greatness and over 1,000 images including artistic illustrations, literal depictions, charts and maps.$55.00Balancing the Sword Vol. 1-2
$55.00 -
The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock
Hardback, 1990 printing
$5.95$13.95The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock
$5.95$13.95 -
A Treasury of Children’s Literature
Hardback with dust jacket, copyright 1992
Dust jacket has a tear on the binding.$12.49$24.95A Treasury of Children’s Literature
$12.49$24.95 -
Come Look With Me – Enjoying Art With Children
Hardback, includes dust jacket
$8.95$16.95Come Look With Me – Enjoying Art With Children
$8.95$16.95 -
Come Look With Me – World of Play
Hardback, includes dust jacket
$10.95$16.95Come Look With Me – World of Play
$10.95$16.95 -
A Child’s Garden of Verses Coloring Book
Never used, no markings inside. Pages are clear of coloring.
$2.99$4.99A Child’s Garden of Verses Coloring Book