Of People Answer Key, 4th Ed.
You can know that your child is growing in his reasoning ability and reading comprehension! This key allows you to quickly evaluate your child’s answers to the “Think It Through” questions in the literature book Of People. The sample answers will also demonstrate how to answer questions in an articulate manner in complete sentences using key words from the question itself—an important life skill! This book provides just the answers for those who do not need the Teacher Edition.
$3.00$8.00Of People Answer Key, 4th Ed.
$3.00$8.00 -
Grammar & Composition III Teacher Key, 5th Ed.
Follow along with your child as he masters grammar mechanics in Grammar and Composition III. This Teacher Key includes a copy of the student work-text with answers inserted. A supplemental appendix is located in the back of this key and contains answers to diagramming and writing exercises. Be prepared to answer your child’s questions and evaluate his understanding of the material with the Grammar and Composition III Teacher Key.
$16.00$21.00Grammar & Composition III Teacher Key, 5th Ed.
$16.00$21.00 -
Vocabulary Spelling Poetry III Teacher Key, 5th Ed.
Keep vocabulary, spelling, and poetry interesting with the added features of this Teacher Key. Complete with a copy of the student book plus answers inserted, you can quickly check your child’s answers to the word exercises. Sample sentences for spelling and vocabulary words are also included to help you instill spelling rules and correct usage of troublesome words. Help your child expand his vocabulary and understanding of words with the teaching resources within this Teacher Key. NOTE: This book was never used.
$8.00$13.00 -
Vocabulary Spelling Poetry III Quiz Key 5th Ed.
Provides a copy of your teen’s quiz book with answers and point values provided.
$4.00$9.00 -
Themes in Literature Quiz/Test Key, 4th Ed.
This helpful parent’s companion to Themes in Literature Quizzes/Tests with Speed/Comprehension Selections and Quizzes provides a copy of your teen’s quiz and test book with answers and point values supplied. Answers for test essay questions give the basic facts to be included.
$4.00$9.00Themes in Literature Quiz/Test Key, 4th Ed.
$4.00$9.00 -
Themes in Literature Answer Key, 4th Ed.
You can know that your ninth grader is growing in his reasoning ability and reading comprehension! This key allows you to quickly evaluate your ninth grader’s answers to the “Think It Through” questions in the literature book Themes in Literature. The sample answers will also demonstrate how to answer questions in an articulate manner in complete sentences using key words from the question itself—an important life skill! This answer key provides just the textbook answers for those who do not want to purchase the Teacher Edition. NOTE: This book was never used.
$5.00$10.00Themes in Literature Answer Key, 4th Ed.
$5.00$10.00 -
Grammar & Composition III Quiz/Test Key, 5th Ed.
Your confidence that you have the right answers builds your ninth grader’s confidence in his learning. This easy-to-use answer key to Grammar and Composition III Quizzes/Tests includes a copy of the student quiz and test book with the answers and point values supplied. A composition check sheet, research paper check sheet, research paper grade form, and book report reading record are also included, providing you with an extra copy beyond the student quiz and test book.
$4.00$9.00 -
Pre-Algebra Quiz/Test Key, 3rd Ed.
Provides a copy of your child’s quiz, test, and speed drill book with all the answers and point values supplied. Four score summary sheets for your child’s speed tests help you evaluate at a glance your child’s speed and accuracy in his basic math skills. NOTE: May include one hand-written correction.
$2.00$7.00Pre-Algebra Quiz/Test Key, 3rd Ed.
$2.00$7.00 -
Pre-Algebra Curriculum Guide/Solution Key, 3rd Ed.
This teaching resource includes the day-by-day lesson plans for teaching a full year of Pre-Algebra plus a Solution Key to show how answers were determined. The Curriculum gives you example problems to write on the board, teaching procedures to follow, prompts to refer to visuals, homework to assign, tips for teaching and grading, and a scope and sequence to create an effective learning environment. The Solution Key includes certain problems that would have multiple steps. Show your child how the answer was arrived at with the detailed instructions within this key. NOTE: Includes some hand-written corrections.
$16.00$21.00Pre-Algebra Curriculum Guide/Solution Key, 3rd Ed.
$16.00$21.00 -
Vocabulary Spelling Poetry II Teacher Key, 5th Ed.
Keep vocabulary, spelling, and poetry interesting with the added features of this Teacher Key. Complete with a copy of the student book plus answers inserted, you can quickly check your child’s answers to the word exercises. Sample sentences for spelling and vocabulary words are also included to help you instill spelling rules and correct usage of troublesome words. Incorporate the Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry II CD to ensure correct pronunciation of words and presentation of poetry. Help your child expand his vocabulary and understanding of words with the teaching resources found within this Teacher Key. NOTE: This book was never used.
$8.00$13.00 -
Vocabulary Spelling Poetry II Quiz Key, 5th Ed.
Provides a copy of your child’s quiz book with answers and sentence dictation for spelling words. Point values are also provided to make grading easy for you!
$4.00$9.00 -
Of Places Quiz/Test Key, 4th Ed.
This book provides a copy of your child’s test and quiz book with answers and point values supplied. Answers for test essay questions give the basic facts to be included. The Speed and Comprehension Chart will enable you to evaluate your child’s reading speed and comprehension progress.
$4.00$9.00Of Places Quiz/Test Key, 4th Ed.
$4.00$9.00 -
Of Places Answer Key, 4th Ed.
This key gives you the answers to the “Think It Through” portions of the student textbook, Of Places. The sample answers will demonstrate how your students should answer questions articulately in complete sentences using key words from the question itself. The “Think It Through” lets you know how well your students are comprehending each story and poem. NOTE: This book was never used.
$5.00$10.00Of Places Answer Key, 4th Ed.
$5.00$10.00 -
Grammar and Composition II Quiz/Test Key, 5th Ed.
Be confident that your grading of your child’s grammar tests is accurate while also being quick. This easy-to-use answer key to Grammar and Composition II Quizzes/Tests includes a copy of the child’s quiz and test book with the answers and point values supplied. Since the grammar tests for Grammar and Composition II are designed to be given in conjunction with the literature tests for Of Places, the point values for both together equal one test grade. The number of questions and suggested point values on the grammar and the corresponding literature test reflect the emphasis of the Home School English 8 Curriculum/Lesson Plans so that literature receives greater weight in later high school years after your child builds a solid foundation in grammar. A research paper check sheet, research paper grade form, and book report reading record are also included.
$4.00$9.00 -
Basic Mathematics Quiz/Test Key, 4th Ed.
Provides a copy of your student’s assessment book containing all the answers in blue and point values for each quiz and test. Accurately check your students’ answers and prepare them to move on to the next concept.
$4.00$9.00Basic Mathematics Quiz/Test Key, 4th Ed.
$4.00$9.00 -
Basic Mathematics Curriculum Guide/ Solution Key, 4th Ed.
This special teacher’s edition is fully equipped with a scope and sequence for the course, daily lesson plans, and teaching notes for each chapter. The scope and sequence helps you plan ahead by giving you an overview of the math course. The Solution Key provides step-by-step solutions for selected problems. NOTE: Includes at least one hand-written correction.
$21.00$26.00 -
Vocabulary Spelling Poetry I Quiz Key, 3rd Ed.
As you follow your child’s progress in his mastery of spelling and vocabulary, this book is an essential guide in assisting you as you grade and score the quizzes that he takes. The answers are clearly marked and the point values listed at the top of each page to make grading a breeze.
$4.00$9.00 -
Of People Quiz/Test Key, 4th Ed.
Easily grade your student’s quizzes and tests with this quiz and test key! Answers are clearly marked in blue and suggestions for essay questions are included to help you determine how to best score your child’s work.
$2.00$7.00Of People Quiz/Test Key, 4th Ed.
$2.00$7.00 -
Grammar & Composition I Teacher Key, 5th Ed.
Follow along with your student as he works to master the basics of grammar and composition. This book is a copy of the student’s text with the answers marked or filled in. Use this book to provide accurate answers to your student as you guide and evaluate his comprehension.
$13.00$18.00Grammar & Composition I Teacher Key, 5th Ed.
$13.00$18.00 -
Grammar & Composition I Quiz/Test Key, 5th Ed.
A good foundation in grammar is very important for your child to grasp in his education. This book will help you be more accurate and effective in grading your child’s test and quizzes. With answers written in blue and suggested point values on each assessment, you will have more time to discuss what your child might have missed and how to fix it. This book also includes a research paper check sheet and grade form to help your child be successful in his very first research paper.
$4.00$9.00 -
Our American Heritage Quizzes & Tests Key, 4th Ed.
With this copy of your child’s test and quizzes with accurate answers written in, you can be sure that you are doing all that you can to provide proper assessment for your child. Point values and grading guides are also included to help you grade faster.
$4.00$9.00 -
History 3 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.
Detailed, day-by-day lesson plans will tell you which pages to cover, helpful notes for teaching, homework assignments, and extra review questions. These 170 lessons direct you through the preparation, review, procedure, geography study, and evaluation for each lesson. Enrichment ideas, additional maps, and progress reports are also included with these lessons to help you focus on your child more than on your preparation.
$3.00$8.00History 3 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.
$3.00$8.00 -
Language Arts 3 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.
These conveniently prepared instructions will help you teach reading, language, penmanship, spelling, and seatwork. Detailed, day-by-day lesson plans will tell you which pages to cover, visuals to use, helpful hints for teaching, and even games to keep your child engaged. Writing test samples, seatwork examples, progress reports, and planning calendars are also included with these 170 lessons to help you focus on your child more than on your preparation.
$22.00$27.00Language Arts 3 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.
$22.00$27.00 -
Phonics, Reading, & Spelling K5 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 5th Ed.
Each of the 170 days of lesson plans is divided by subject. Included are daily prompts for which content to review and teach, visuals to display, and what to write on the chalkboard or paper. To help you teach the fundamentals of phonics, this guide includes tips for teaching, phonics word lists and blend ladders, evaluation suggestions, enrichment activities, progress reports, and scheduling helps, such as sample time schedules for homeschooling children on different grade levels. Examples are provided throughout to make the instructions clear. Complete with lesson plans for phonics, reading, seatwork, and skills development, these lesson plans helps you stay organized and prepared as you guide your child to the optimal learning experience.
$29.00$34.00 -
Phonics, Reading, & Spelling 1 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.
Included are daily prompts for which content to review and teach, visuals to display, and what to write on the chalkboard. To help you teach the fundamentals of phonics, this guide includes tips for teaching, phonics word lists and blend ladders, enrichment activities, progress reports, and scheduling helps. Examples are provided throughout to make the instructions clear. Complete with lesson plans for phonics, reading, cursive handwriting, spelling and poetry, and seatwork, these lesson plans helps you stay organized and prepared as you guide your first grader to the optimal learning experience.
$29.00$34.00 -
Phonics, Reading, & Spelling 2 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.
Included are daily prompts for which content to review and teach, visuals to display, and what to write on the chalkboard. To help you teach the fundamentals of phonics, this guide includes tips for teaching, phonics word lists and blend ladders, enrichment activities, progress reports, and scheduling helps. Examples are provided throughout to make the instructions clear. Complete with lesson plans for phonics, language, reading, cursive handwriting, spelling and poetry, these lesson plans helps you stay organized and prepared as you guide your second grader to the optimal learning experience.
$29.00$34.00 -
Arithmetic 3 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.
Detailed, day-by-day lesson plans will tell you which pages to cover, visuals to use, helpful hints for teaching, and even games to keep your child engaged. Example problems, fact charts, progress reports, and planning calendars are also included with these 170 lessons to help you focus on your child more than on your preparation.
$15.00$20.00Arithmetic 3 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.
$15.00$20.00 -
Arithmetic 2 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.
Rhymes, games, songs, handling objects, flashcards, oral problems, and other techniques may make arithmetic your child’s favorite subject. This year teach your child geometric shapes, basic rules for Roman numerals, multiplication, division, and many more! Thinking Cap sections and oral combination practice build mental skills and develop higher-level thinking. This idea-packed guide will help you stay organized as you guide your students to arithmetic success!
$15.00$20.00Arithmetic 2 Curriculum/Lesson Plans, 2nd Ed.