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God’s Design Heaven & Earth Teacher Guide, Quizes, Student Worksheets


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**Gently Used student workbook about less than a quarter of the workbook is written in, but can be erased and used as a reference to instruct student to write into a notebook or use written pages to copy into a word document.

The God’s Design Heaven & Earth Teacher Guide reveals the wonders of God’s creation through the study of weather and water, the universe, and planet earth. Each lesson contains at least one hands-on activity to reinforce the concepts being taught and a “challenge” section with extra information and activities designed especially for older students.

In addition to the lessons, special features in each book include biographical information on interesting people, as well as fun facts to make the subject more engaging
Teaches children an understanding that God is our Creator and that the Bible can be trusted.
Designed to build critical thinking skills and flexible enough to work with all learning styles, the lessons require minimal teacher preparation, are multi-level for 3rd–5th and 6th–8th grades, as well as being fun and easy-to-use. The course includes a helpful daily schedule, as well as worksheets, quizzes, and tests. The information contains tips on how to teach science, properly contrasting creation vs. evolution, and integrating a biblical worldview.


Ships From: United States (US)

SKU: 978-1-68344-130-4 Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,

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Weight 33.6 oz

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Used Conditions

A: Like New - A book in perfect condition. It's free from highlighting and writing.

B: Well Loved - A well-loved book that has had limited use and remains in great condition. It's free from highlighting and writing on the pages, but may have a name written on the cover or inside the cover.

C: Good - A book that shows wear from use, but remains in good condition. It may have limited highlighting, and a name written on or inside the cover, but contains no other writing on the inside pages.

D: Worn - A book that shows extensive use. It may have significant highlighting and/or writing on the interior pages.

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God's Design Heaven & Earth Teacher Guide, Quizes, Student Worksheets


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