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Believing in Narnia: A Kid’s Guide to Unlocking Secret Symbols of Faith


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To coincide with the release of Prince Caspian, this book helps kids ages 7-11, understand the symbolism of the Christian faith written by C.S. Lewis in the Chronicles of Narnia series. Christian concepts are simply explained, along with excerpts from the Narnia books. Each section of the book explains the characters, events, places, and themes and gives insight in the spiritual parallels. Kids, parents, teachers and ministers will all find this to be a great tool for use in preparing to see the movie.


Ships From: United States (US)

SKU: 9781400312825 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

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Weight 10.2 oz

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Used Conditions

A: Like New - A book in perfect condition. It's free from highlighting and writing.

B: Well Loved - A well-loved book that has had limited use and remains in great condition. It's free from highlighting and writing on the pages, but may have a name written on the cover or inside the cover.

C: Good - A book that shows wear from use, but remains in good condition. It may have limited highlighting, and a name written on or inside the cover, but contains no other writing on the inside pages.

D: Worn - A book that shows extensive use. It may have significant highlighting and/or writing on the interior pages.

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Believing in Narnia: A Kid's Guide to Unlocking Secret Symbols of Faith


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