McDougal Littell The Language of Literature: American Literature
A complete high school literature text for American Literature in seven units. Unit one is Origins and Encounters 2000B.C. – 1620 A.D.; Unit two is From Colony to Country 1620 – 1800; Unit three is The Spirit of Individualism 1800 – 1855; Unit four is Conflict and Expansion 1850 -1900; Unit five is The Changing Face of America 1855 – 1925; Unit six is The Modern Age 1919 – 1940; Unit seven is War Abroad and Conflict at Home 1940 – Present.
Text is in great condition.$15.00$140.00 -
McDougal Littell The Language of Literature: British Literature
A complete High School Literature book for the study of British Literature from the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval periods 449-1485 all the way through Contemporary Voices 1950 -Present.
Used but still in good condition. The cover is worn but pages are in good condition with very little markings.$10.00$140.00 -
The Power in your Hands : Writing Nonfiction in High School (Textbook and Teacher’s Guide)
High school students will learn writing skills they can use the rest of their lives. These include brainstorming, organizing their thoughts, using appropriate point orders, citing sources, introduction and conclusion know-how, proofreading, writing for a specific audience, and much more.
In addition, they’ll learn how to write in all four modes of nonfiction writing: persuasion, exposition, description, and narration. This practical textbook includes specific instructions for writing at least 22 essays and reports and includes focused checklists for each assignment. Some of the assignments include the logical appeal, the moral/ethical appeal, process or how-to writing, a research paper with documentation, comparison and contrast, a literary analysis, descriptive essays, and much, much more.$30.00$60.00 -
Fundamentals of Literature by Hess, Cates, and Lohnes BJU Press
Fundamentals of Literature conveys the literature’s foundational elements of conflict, character, theme, point of view, structure and tone. Students are also introduced to literary criticism and are encouraged to read and analyze literature in light of a Christian worldview. The literature selections are accompanied by rich illustrations, author biographies, and application questions that promote critical thinking skills.
BJU Press, 1st edition, 2002.$10.00$50.00