Homeschool Sponsor

After you have built your store inventory to include a minimum of ten (10) products, coupons can be created at any time free of charge. Once you have created a coupon, our team will add your coupon to our coupon page!

To begin, log in as a vendor and click Store Dashboard from the drop-down navigation on the top right of the website.

Next, click Coupons in the left hand black sidebar vendor navigation.

To create a new coupon, click Add Coupon blue button. This is also where you can delete or edit existing coupons.

Add Coupon

  1. Coupon Code: Select a unique coupon code, possibly including a part of your store name. This will be what customers use at checkout, so don’t make it too complicated.
  2. Coupon Description: This is what customers will read, so be sure to outline the requirements, restrictions, and expiration date of your coupon. This could be a minimum spend in your shop, the type of coupon (percentage or dollar amount), etc.
  3. Dicount Type: Under the General tab, select on of the following discount types:
    1.  Fixed Discount is a dollar amount that can be applied to each product or the entire cart (of your shop products only).
    2. Percentage Discount is a percentage off of a single product or the entire cart (of your shop products only)
  4. Coupon Amount: Set the amount for your coupon. This can be either a dollar figure or percentage.
  5. Expiration: Set the Coupon Expiration Date.
  6. Usage Restrictions: Under the Usage Restrictions tab, you can require a minimum or maximum spend in order for the coupon to activate.
    1. For example, you can have $10 off any order over $50. In this case, you would set the minimum spend to $50.
    2. Another example could be orders between $10 and $50 get 10% off. You would set the minimum and maximum to $10 and $50 respectively.
    3. In the example above, you could add another coupon for 20% off orders above $50, incentivizing customers to shop a little more! In this case, set the minimum to $50.
  7. Coupon Usage: If you have multiple coupons running, be sure to check the Individual Use Only box if you don’t want multiple coupons to be used together.
  8. Products and Exclude Products: You can narrow the focus of the coupon to specific product(s) or all products but specific product(s).
  9. Usage Limits: You can limit your coupon use per coupon, number of items, or per user.
    1. Usage Limit Per Coupon:  This selection is not recommended. This type of limitation is normally used for products where there is limited qty.
    2. Usage Limit To X Items: If your coupon is 20% off 10 items in your store, this is where you would add 10 as the limit
    3. Usage Limit Per User: This limits the number of times a customer may use a coupon.
  10. Next click the Add Coupon and your coupon is created.

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